Disgust is green like a snotty nose
It taste like brussel sprouts!!
It smells like toe jams from a long walk
It looks like a dump of unwashed laundry
It sounds like fart noises when your eating
It feels soft, squishy and slimy
Anger is red like the blood flowing through your body
It taste like a dry and tasteless throat
It smells like spicy rice brought from a C- Bakery
It looks like a steam train puffing out
It sounds like a growling wolf stuck in mud
It feels like an untamed dog
Boredom is grey like stormy clouds
It tastes like rice pudding being eaten cold and slow
It smells like nature blowing through the half open window
It looks like you're the only one awake while everyone else is asleep
It sounds peaceful but not how you would like it
It feels like you're the only one on earth and have nothing to do.
Sadness is blue like tears that have falling from the sky
It taste like the tasteless saliva in your mouth
It smells like nothing but nature
It looks like your by yourself in the corner crying
It sounds other people having fun somewhere else
It feels like you have no friends
Joy is yellow like the bright sunset
It taste like yummy biscuits baked from Grandma
It smells like gummy bears brought from a scout girl
It looks like a daisy blooming into a beautiful bunch
It sounds like laughter with friends and family
It feels like a tingling sensation
Fear is purple like the colour of a clowns shoe
It taste like salt and vinegar in your eyes
It smells like old abandoned Pyramid
It looks like a shadow watching you sleep
It sounds like a banging noise that wouldnt stop
It feels like no one can help you in the situation
What a wonderful collection of poems Shannon. I am glad that you have included a happy emotion too. I like your line about boredom "it sounds peaceful but not how you would like it" I know that feeling! And it is sooo boring.
Hi Shannon. I really like the bunch of poems you have written especially your poem about Joy. I really like the line "It looks like a daisy blooming into a beautiful bunch". That is what I call joy. I am looking forward for your next poem.
Also I just wanted to ask, are these the emotion from "Inside out".
Yes they are from Inside Out. I am going to edit my Emotion Poem and add my other poem about fear!
I just worked that out too. Great work adding Fear as well. Very clever.
Thank You Mrs Parker.
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